Författare: Micco
Var alla bra idéer kommer från
Varifrån kommer de bra idéerna? Vad krävs för att omsätta dem till innovationer? Och vad i hela fridens namn har caféer med bra idéer att göra? Författaren och tänkaren Steven Johnson delar med sig av sina insikter och åsikter.
Don’t protect your property
Kodak made the biggest mistake possible. Instead of building a business around why people use film, they set out to protect the film itself. Kodak forgot that the goal in business is not to find customers for your products, it’s to make products for your customers.
Blinded by your own product
Starbucks increased focus on product tactics and strategy – its inability to see beyond the product – has caused the results to falter. And as the results falter, the focus on the product becomes more intense. So the vicious cycle begins. Today, Starbucks is obsessed with coffee and has brushed aside why they were selling…