
Micco Grönholm om varumärken & marknadsföring

Kategori: Betraktelser

  • How to measure success

    Someone asked me a question recently that really made me think: “How will you know when you’re successful?”. There’s a difference between being successful and feeling successful. By most standard measurements, I am enjoying more success now than at any other time in my life, but if you ask me if I feel successful, the…

  • Confessions Of A PR-Man: The Future Of Advertising Is Golden

    With the rise of social media, which is profoundly composed of two-way dialogue and relationships, traditional advertising sure took a hit. It’s not like the fifties anymore. The days of the magic bullet theory are long gone. So, what to do? | Gästinlägg av Jerry Silfwer

  • The final score doesn’t matter

    The definition of ”winning” includes a subjective element – when what we actually achieve surpasses the expectations others think we could achieve. The innovator believes something can be done when others think it can’t. The entrepreneur believes a solution exists for a problem others think unsolvable (if they even recognize the problem in the first…