
Micco Grönholm om varumärken & marknadsföring

It takes two

Gästinlägg av Simon Sinek

Walt Disney was the visionary, the man who took the risk, but his brother, Roy Disney, brought the dream to life.

Martin Luther King was the man with the dream, but it was Ralph Abernathy, a man whose name has been long forgotten, who stood up after Dr. King and told people what to do.

Bill Gates was the Why guy who imagined a PC on every desk. Bill Gates imagined a world in which we would all be able to achieve our true potential. But it was Paul Allen, lurking in the shadows, who knew How to make it happen.

No matter how clear the vision, no matter how high the risk tolerance, a leader is nothing without the first person to stand up and join.

For a movement to grow, for an idea to spread and for a company to become something special – it takes two.

The dancer is Why. The first follower is How. When those two unite – watch What happens.

Simon Sinek undervisar företagsledare i konsten att inspirera människor. Han konsulterar, skriver och håller tal runt om i världen om kraften i ett tydligt Varför – om syftet, meningen, tron på något som en stark drivkraft hos oss alla. Simons lika enkla som geniala idé, The Golden Circle, är baserad på biologin bakom människans beslutsprocess.

Simon bor i New York, där han undervisar i strategisk kommunikation på Columbia University.
Hans första bok, Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, kom ut i oktober 2009.



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This post is also published on Re:Focus.


Ett svar till ”It takes two”

  1. Good point. And I agree, the world needs more visionaries.

    But, as a consultant who is very much into myths and archetypes, I believe that the how-man also is an underestimated and forgotten hero in himself – the opposite to the creative visionary.

    Ancient myths often describes this character as a ”gatekeeper”. And while the true ”creator” is daring, innovative, provocative and minimalistic, triggered by everything conventional and formulaic, the gatekeeper’s virtues is all about keeping control, remain safe and stable: creating order out of chaos.

    It’s an archetype that strikes a chord deep within all of us. It cuts through all cultures. It’s a character we all know and have seen in many stories.

    Think Tom Hagen in ”The Godfather”. Think Diane Chambers in ”Cheers”. Think Watson, Sherlock’s famous side-kick.

    The gatekeeper has formed many corporate cultures as well. Think Volvo (the hero of safety). Think Opel (don’t stand out). Think Post-it (keeps everything in order). And think Bisley (perfectly organised – google it and have a look at the brand’s famous ads).

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