
Micco Grönholm om varumärken & marknadsföring

De 10 bästa böckerna för marknadsförare

Tidningen AdAge har sammanställt en lista på de 10 bästa böckerna för människor som arbetar med marknadsföring och reklam. Listan baseras på svar från drygt 300 av tidningens läsare. Samtliga finns att köpa på Amazon.com (klicka på bokomslaget). Håll till godo:

positioning21. Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, av Al Ries och Jack Trout. Svensk titel: Positionering: Kampen om ditt medvetande, Studentlitteratur, 1985.
Describes an approach to creating a ”position” in a prospective customer’s mind – one that reflects a company’s own strengths and weaknesses and those of its competitors. This book shows readers how to reposition a strong competitor and create a weak spot, use the present position to its best advantage, and choose the best name for a product.

ogilvy2. Ogilvy on Advertsing, av David Ogilvy. Svensk titel: Ogilvy om reklam, Bonnier Fakta, 1985.
A guide which explains how to create advertising that works, how to run an agency, how to write successful copy, and what the future holds for the advertising industry.

22_laws_of_branding3. The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, av Al Ries och Laura Ries, Harper Collins, 2002. (Svensk titel saknas.)
The only way to stand out in today’s and tomorrow’s cluttered marketplace is to build your product or service into a brand. The renowned marketing guru and author of The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing demonstrates how to build any product or service into a world-class brand.

e4. E, av Matt Beaumont, Harper Collins, 2000. (Svensk titel saknas.)
Consisting entirely of staff emails, this text spends a fortnight in the company of Miller Shanks, an advertising agency that scales dizzying peaks of incompetence.


whipple5. Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: A Guide to Creating Great Advertising, av Luke Sullivan, Wiley, 1998. (Svensk titel saknas.)
Hey Whipple! has been the funniest book on creating ads and writing marketing copy since it was first published in 1998. Since then the explosion of the Web has remade the landscape. The 3rd edition will combine the best learning from the classic era of advertising with the all the possibilities of the digital age.

suckers6. Where the Suckers Moon: The Life and Death of an Advertising Campaign, av Randall Rothenberg, Vintage Books, 1995. (Svensk titel saknas.)
Rothenberg chronicles the brief, turbulent marriage between a recession-plagued auto company and an aggressively hip ad agency (whose creative director despised cars), capturing both the ad world’s tantalizing gossip and the broader significance of its creations.

goodgreat7. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t, av Jim Collins, HarperBusiness, 2001. (Svensk titel saknas.)
How can good companies, mediocre companies, even bad companies achieve enduring greatness? Are there those that convert long-term mediocrity or worse into long-term superiority? If so, what are the distinguishing characteristics that cause a company to go from good to great?

gossage8. The Book of Gossage, av Howard Luck Gossage: Jeff Goodby och Bruce Bendinger, Copy Workshop, 1995. (Svensk titel saknas.)
A collection of pieces ranging from brilliant little essays to recollections about Gossage. While much of the material overlaps and reprises itself, it’s entirely worth reading. Will make you wish you could have been a maverick creative in the Iron Age of advertising…. and one of the few advertising books to elevate itself beyond its subject matter. It’s a great resource for creating, period.

influence9. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, av Robert B. Caldini, Collins, 2007. (Svensk titel saknas.)
Explains the psychology of why people say ”yes” – and how to apply these understandings. This book aims to teach the six principles, how to use them to become a skilled persuader – and how to defend yourself against them.

blink10. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, av Malcolm Gladwell. Svensk titel: Blink: Den intuitiva intelligensen, Prisma, 2006.
Draws on a range of case studies to explore the process by which people make decisions, explaining how the difference between good and bad decision making is directly related to the details on which people focus, and counsels readers on how to become better decision makers in every aspect of life.






5 svar till ”De 10 bästa böckerna för marknadsförare”

  1. Profilbild för Stefan

    Intressant lista. Har bara läst tre av dem (1, 2 och 10). Skulle vara kul med en lista på den bästa svenska marknadsförings- och reklamlitteraturen…

  2. Profilbild för Micco

    Håller med. Det är bara att börja nominera… 😉

  3. Profilbild för Claes

    Ord till Salu – originalet med bl.a. Jan Cederqvist borde vara en given kanidat.

  4. Profilbild för Mats

    Syns tyvärr att det är en amerikansk lista. Har läst 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 och 10, men saknar t ex ”Eating the big fish” av Adam Morgan eller ”Disruption” av Jean-Marie Dru, för att inte tala om ”Marketing in the era of Accountability” av Les Binet och Peter Field, samt ”the Hidden Power of Advertising” av Robert Heath. Båda de sista utgivna av IPA och WARC.

  5. Profilbild för Micco

    Bra svenska böcker om reklam och reklambranschen är också Den kreativa revolutionen av Claes Bergqvist och Uppfinnaren av Alf Mork.

    Kom gärna med fler förslag! Och allra helst på bra marknadsföringsböcker på svenska.

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