The Brand-Man
Micco Grönholm om marknadsföring och branding

  • How to find your Why

    If you’re a leader of some sort and you don’t know what you believe, then how do you know who to hire? How do you know what message to put out to employees to inspire loyalty? What message to tell your customers to inspire them to buy from you? How do you know when you’re…

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  • It takes two

    No matter how clear the vision, no matter how high the risk tolerance, a leader is nothing without the first person to stand up and join. For a movement to grow, for an idea to spread and for a company to become something special – it takes two. | Gästinlägg av Simon Sinek

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  • The final score doesn’t matter

    The definition of ”winning” includes a subjective element – when what we actually achieve surpasses the expectations others think we could achieve. The innovator believes something can be done when others think it can’t. The entrepreneur believes a solution exists for a problem others think unsolvable (if they even recognize the problem in the first…

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