
Micco Grönholm om varumärken & marknadsföring

Etikett: Simon Sinek

  • Pengar – det dyraste sättet att motivera människor?

    Inte nog med att myten om pengar som motiverande faktor avlivats bortom allt tvivel, prestationsbaserad lön har visat sig många gåger ha rakt motsatt effekt. Om en arbetsuppgift kräver ens den mest rudimentära kognitiva förmågan innebär högre belöningar sämre prestationer. Men om nu pengar inte motiverar oss, vad gör det istället? | Gästinlägg av Thomas…

  • How to measure success

    Someone asked me a question recently that really made me think: “How will you know when you’re successful?”. There’s a difference between being successful and feeling successful. By most standard measurements, I am enjoying more success now than at any other time in my life, but if you ask me if I feel successful, the…

  • How to find your Why

    If you’re a leader of some sort and you don’t know what you believe, then how do you know who to hire? How do you know what message to put out to employees to inspire loyalty? What message to tell your customers to inspire them to buy from you? How do you know when you’re…